The deadline for submission of all manuscripts (including late news and invited/plenary manuscripts) is October 15th, 2021 — October 22nd, 2021.
The proceedings of ECSCRM 2020-2021 will be published by Trans Tech Publications Inc. (TTP) in Materials Science Forum ( Proceeding papers submissions will open by mid-July. Please note that the published papers will be in “Open Access” mode for the first time this year!
The authors of accepted ECSCRM 2020-2021 papers are requested to submit their manuscripts using the TTP manuscript submission system. This system will be used to process your manuscript electronically from initial submission through editorial peer review and revisions to final publication.
The e-mails with unique user ID, password and instruction needed to log in the TTP manuscript submission system have been sent to all primary authors of accepted abstracts.
Note that some e-mail clients may tag this e-mail as {spam} and automatically delete or filter it. Please, check your “deleted/junk/spam/clutter” email folders for e-mail sent by “European Conference on Silicon Carbid…” and then contact the ECSCRM 2020-2021 project management team ( or if the problem is still not resolved.
Manuscript preparation
Manuscripts must adhere to the following length restrictions: contributed papers (both oral presentations and posters) maximum of 4 pages, invited papers (both oral presentations and posters) maximum of 6 pages.
Please provide keywords. Do not use PACS numbers or general keywords such as “silicon carbide” or “gallium nitride”. Keywords are used to prepare the index. You should choose keywords that will be likely to lead interested readers to your paper.
Proceedings format
The manuscript templates with detailed instructions can be downloaded from the Conference website and are also available in the TTP manuscript submission system.
Download the manuscript template with detailed instructions: Manuscript-template
Copyright transfer agreement
The online form to fill the copyright transfer agreement is available in the TTP manuscript submission system. It can be downloaded here.